Nitro Coffee at Home: How to Brew and Serve

nitro coffee

Nitro coffee is a unique and popular beverage that can be enjoyed at home. With a few simple steps, you can brew your own smooth and creamy nitro coffee. This article will guide you through the process of brewing and serving nitro coffee like a pro.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nitro coffee is a nitrogen-infused coffee that has a smooth and creamy texture.
  • Brewing nitro coffee at home requires preparing a cold brew concentrate and infusing it with nitrogen gas.
  • Serve nitro coffee cold using a whipped cream dispenser or a mini-keg system.
  • There are alternative cold brewing methods, such as French press and pour-over, that you can try.
  • Nitrogen-infused drinks, including nitro coffee, are safe to consume in moderation.

What is Nitro Coffee?

Nitro coffee, also known as nitro cold brew, is a type of coffee that is infused with nitrogen gas. It originated in coffee shops and gained popularity for its smooth and creamy texture, similar to that of a Guinness beer. Nitro cold brew is made by brewing coffee with cold or room temperature water for an extended period of time. The coffee is then strained and infused with nitrogen gas, which creates tiny bubbles and gives the coffee a velvety mouthfeel. Nitro coffee is less acidic than regular coffee and has a mellow and smooth flavor.

If you enjoy the rich and luxurious experience of a creamy and velvety coffee, then nitro coffee is perfect for you. It offers a unique sensory experience with its smooth texture, nitrogen-infused bubbles, and mellow flavor. Nitro coffee has become increasingly popular as a refreshing and indulgent alternative to traditional brewed coffee.

When you pour a glass of nitro coffee, you’ll notice the mesmerizing cascade effect as the tiny nitrogen bubbles rise to the top, creating a beautiful foam layer. This visual appeal adds to the overall enjoyment of the coffee. Nitro coffee is typically served in a glass or a can with a widget that helps release the nitrogen gas upon opening.

Nitro Coffee

If you’re looking for a coffee experience that is smooth, creamy, and indulgent, give nitro coffee a try. Its unique characteristics and velvety texture make it a delightful treat for coffee lovers.

Brewing Nitro Coffee at Home

When it comes to enjoying the smooth and creamy goodness of nitro coffee, brewing it at home is easier than you might think. With a few simple steps, you can create your own delicious nitro coffee right in your kitchen. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Prepare the Cold Brew Concentrate:
  2. To begin, you’ll need to make a cold brew concentrate by steeping coarsely ground coffee in water for 24 to 48 hours. The coffee and water should be mixed in a large glass or plastic container and then covered and refrigerated. The longer you steep the coffee, the stronger the flavor will be.

  3. Filter the Coffee:
  4. Once the steeping process is complete, strain the coffee to remove any coffee grounds. You can use a fine-mesh sieve or a coffee filter to ensure a smooth and clean cold brew concentrate.

  5. Infuse with Nitrogen Gas:
  6. Now comes the fun part – infusing the cold brew concentrate with nitrogen gas to create that signature creamy texture. There are a few methods you can use for this:

  • Option 1: Cream Whipper
  • If you have a cream whipper on hand, you can pour the cold brew concentrate into the whipper, charge it with a nitro gas cartridge, and give it a good shake. This will infuse the coffee with nitrogen and create a velvety smooth texture.

  • Option 2: Keg-Tap System
  • For a more advanced setup, you can use a keg-tap system designed specifically for nitro coffee. Simply pour the cold brew concentrate into a keg, connect a nitrogen gas tank, and let the gas infuse the coffee for a few hours. This method is great for larger batches and provides a consistently smooth and creamy nitro coffee.

Simple Brewing Steps:

  1. Prepare cold brew concentrate by steeping coffee grounds in water for 24-48 hours.
  2. Filter the coffee to remove any grounds.
  3. Infuse the cold brew concentrate with nitrogen gas using a cream whipper or a keg-tap system.

Brewing nitro coffee at home allows you to enjoy the rich flavors and velvety texture of this unique beverage whenever you want. Plus, it’s a great way to impress your friends and family with your barista skills. So why not give it a try and brew your own homemade nitro coffee today?

Serving Nitro Coffee

Once you have brewed your nitro coffee, it’s time to serve it. Nitro coffee is best served cold, but some people also enjoy it served hot. To serve nitro coffee, you can use a variety of methods.

One option is to use a whipped cream dispenser, which uses nitrogen gas cartridges to add the gas to the coffee. This method creates a velvety texture and is convenient for home use. Simply pour the brewed nitro coffee into the dispenser, insert the nitrogen gas cartridge, and give it a gentle shake to infuse the coffee with nitrogen. Then, dispense the creamy nitro coffee into a glass and enjoy.

Another option is to use a mini-keg system that allows for the preservation and dispensing of nitro coffee. These systems are ideal for coffee shops or those who want to serve nitro coffee on tap at home. The mini-keg is filled with brewed nitro coffee, and nitrogen gas is added to pressurize the keg. When you’re ready to serve, simply pull the tap handle and watch as the smooth and creamy nitro coffee flows into the glass.

If you’re looking for a more specialized solution, there are also nitro coffee makers and dispensers available on the market that are designed specifically for serving nitro coffee. These machines simplify the process by combining brewing and dispensing functions, ensuring that you can enjoy a perfect cup of nitro coffee every time.

Benefits of Using a Nitro Coffee Maker or Dispenser

Using a dedicated nitro coffee maker or dispenser offers several advantages:

  1. Consistency: Nitro coffee makers and dispensers are designed to deliver a consistent nitro coffee experience, ensuring that each cup is smooth, creamy, and perfectly infused with nitrogen.
  2. Efficiency: These machines streamline the brewing and serving process, making it easier and faster to enjoy a refreshing cup of nitro coffee.
  3. Convenience: Nitro coffee makers and dispensers often come with additional features such as temperature control and customizable settings, allowing you to personalize your nitro coffee experience.

Whether you choose a whipped cream dispenser, a mini-keg system, or a specialized nitro coffee maker or dispenser, serving nitro coffee at home or in a coffee shop is a delightful experience that will impress your guests and elevate your coffee game.

Nitro Coffee Dispenser

Alternative Cold Brewing Methods

While nitro coffee is a popular cold brew method, there are alternative cold brewing methods that you can try at home. These methods offer unique flavors and profiles, allowing you to explore different taste experiences. Two common alternative methods are the French press and pour-over techniques.

French Press Method

The French press method involves steeping coarsely ground coffee in water for a specific time, typically around 4 minutes, and then pressing the plunger down to separate the liquid from the grounds.

“The French press method is known for producing a full-bodied and robust cup of coffee. The prolonged steeping time allows for more extraction of flavors, resulting in a strong and intense brew.”

To brew coffee using a French press:

  1. Heat water to the desired temperature, typically around 200°F (93°C).
  2. Add coarsely ground coffee to the French press. The general ratio is 1:15, meaning one part coffee to 15 parts water.
  3. Pour water over the coffee grounds, ensuring all grounds are saturated.
  4. Place the plunger on top without pressing it down and let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes.
  5. Slowly press the plunger down, separating the liquid from the grounds.
  6. Pour the brewed coffee into your cup and enjoy.

Pour-Over Method

The pour-over method involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a filter and allowing it to drip into a container. This method allows for more control over the extraction process and results in a clean and bright cup of coffee.

“The pour-over method is favored for its ability to highlight the unique characteristics of different coffee beans. The slow pouring technique brings out the delicate flavors and nuances, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorful brew.”

To brew coffee using a pour-over technique:

  1. Boil water and let it cool slightly to around 200°F (93°C).
  2. Place a filter in a pour-over device, such as a V60 or Chemex.
  3. Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the brewing device.
  4. Add medium-coarse ground coffee to the filter. The general ratio is 1:16, meaning one part coffee to 16 parts water.
  5. Slowly pour the hot water in a circular motion over the coffee grounds, starting from the center and moving outward.
  6. Allow the coffee to drip into the container below, maintaining a steady and controlled pour.
  7. Once all the water has been poured, remove the filter and discard it.
  8. Pour the brewed coffee into your cup and savor the flavors.

These alternative brewing methods offer a departure from the smooth and creamy nitro coffee, allowing you to explore different flavor profiles and brewing techniques. Whether you prefer the boldness of French press or the clarity of pour-over, experimenting with these methods can add variety and excitement to your coffee brewing journey.

alternative brewing methods

Are Nitrogen Infused Drinks Safe?

Nitrogen gas is commonly used to infuse drinks like nitro coffee and is safe for consumption. It is widely used in beers and other carbonated beverages without posing any health risks when consumed in moderation.

Nitrogen-infused drinks, such as nitro coffee, have a unique and enjoyable sensory experience due to the small bubbles that give them a creamy texture. These bubbles are created by the nitrogen infusion, which enhances the overall taste and mouthfeel.

However, it is important to exercise caution when handling large tanks and complex keg systems used in the preparation of nitrogen-infused drinks. Proper safety protocols should be followed to prevent any accidents or mishaps.

Overall, when enjoyed responsibly, nitrogen-infused drinks can provide a delightful and refreshing beverage experience.

How Nitro Cold Brew Is Made

Nitro cold brew coffee is made using different methods and equipment depending on the scale and location. In high-volume establishments, a tap system is commonly used, which involves kegerators, kegs, regulators, and nitrogen gas tanks. This setup allows for efficient production and dispensing of nitro cold brew.

To create nitro cold brew using the tap system, the process involves:

  1. Pouring the cold brew concentrate into a keg
  2. Infusing the cold brew with nitrogen gas
  3. Dispensing the nitrogen-infused cold brew from the tap
nitro brew equipment

Using a tap system ensures consistent quality and allows for efficient production and serving of nitro cold brew in large quantities.

For home use, a simpler and more compact method involves using a whipped cream dispenser to infuse nitrogen gas into the cold brew. This method is convenient and allows individuals to enjoy the smooth and creamy texture of nitro cold brew coffee without the need for a complex system.

Using a cream whipper to make nitro cold brew involves the following steps:

  1. Pouring the cold brew concentrate into the cream whipper
  2. Charging the whipper with nitrogen gas cartridges
  3. Shaking the whipper to infuse the cold brew with nitrogen gas
  4. Dispensing the nitrogen-infused cold brew from the cream whipper

This method provides a convenient and compact way to enjoy nitro cold brew coffee at home, without the need for elaborate equipment.

Tips for Making Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

When it comes to making the perfect nitro cold brew coffee at home, there are a few tips and best practices that can elevate your brewing game. Here’s what you need to know:

First and foremost, start with high-quality coffee beans. The flavor of your nitro coffee greatly depends on the beans you choose. Opt for freshly roasted whole beans and grind them coarsely for optimal flavor extraction. This will allow the coffee to steep evenly and release all the delicious aromas.

In addition, using filtered water is crucial for achieving a clean and pure taste. Tap water may contain impurities that can affect the flavor of your brew. By using filtered water, you can ensure that no unwanted flavors interfere with the smoothness of your nitro coffee.

Steeping time is another important factor to consider. Experiment with different steeping times to find your preferred strength and flavor profile. Generally, a longer steeping time will result in a bolder and more robust brew, while a shorter steeping time will yield a lighter and milder flavor.

To take your nitro cold brew to the next level, consider adding flavorings or toppings. Some popular choices include vanilla, caramel, or even a sprinkle of cinnamon. These additions can enhance the overall taste experience and add a touch of personalization to your nitro coffee.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to get creative with different recipes and variations of nitro coffee. Whether it’s experimenting with different bean origins, trying out alternative sweeteners, or even adding a splash of your favorite milk, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the process and have fun exploring the wonderful world of nitro cold brew!


What is nitro coffee?

Nitro coffee, also known as nitro cold brew, is a type of coffee that is infused with nitrogen gas. It has gained popularity for its smooth and creamy texture, similar to that of a Guinness beer.

How do I brew nitro coffee at home?

To brew nitro coffee at home, you’ll need to prepare a cold brew concentrate by steeping coarsely ground coffee in water for 24 to 48 hours. After filtering out the grounds, the cold brew concentrate can be infused with nitrogen gas using a cream whipper or a keg-tap system.

How do I serve nitro coffee?

Nitro coffee can be served cold or hot. You can use a whipped cream dispenser, a mini-keg system, or a nitro coffee maker or dispenser specifically designed for serving nitro coffee.

Are there alternative cold brewing methods?

Yes, there are alternative cold brewing methods you can try at home, such as using a French press or the pour-over method. These methods can produce different flavors and profiles compared to nitro coffee.

Are nitrogen-infused drinks safe to consume?

Yes, nitrogen gas, which is used to infuse drinks like nitro coffee, is safe to consume. It is commonly used in beers and other carbonated drinks and does not pose any health risks when consumed in moderation.

How is nitro cold brew made?

Nitro cold brew is made by infusing cold brew coffee with nitrogen gas. High-volume establishments often use a tap system with kegerators, kegs, regulators, and nitrogen gas tanks. For home use, a whipped cream dispenser can be used to infuse nitro cold brew with nitrogen gas.

What are some tips for making nitro cold brew coffee?

To make the best nitro cold brew coffee, use high-quality coffee beans, grind them coarsely, use filtered water, experiment with steeping times, consider adding flavorings or toppings, and get creative with different recipes and variations of nitro coffee.