Chemex Coffee Brewing: Clean and Crisp

Chemex Coffee Brewing

The Chemex coffee brewing method is known for producing a clean and crisp cup of coffee. Invented in 1941 by Dr. Peter Schlumbohm, the Chemex coffee maker has since become a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts. By using Chemex filters and following the proper techniques and measurements, you can unlock the secret to a perfect cup of coffee.

Key Takeaways

  • The Chemex coffee brewing method creates a clean and crisp cup of coffee.
  • Dr. Peter Schlumbohm invented the Chemex coffee maker in 1941.
  • Using Chemex filters and following proper techniques is crucial for achieving the perfect cup of coffee.
  • The Chemex brewing process involves a careful coffee-to-water ratio.
  • Chemex brewing is favored by coffee enthusiasts for its clean and flavorful results.

The Key Steps to Chemex Coffee Brewing

To brew coffee using the Chemex method, you will need a Chemex coffee brewer, Chemex filters, and a few other tools. The key to a great cup of Chemex coffee lies in the coffee-to-water ratio and the proper brewing techniques.

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

For Chemex brewing, the ideal coffee-to-water ratio is 1:16. This means you’ll need 40g of coffee for 640g of water. This ratio ensures a well-balanced and flavorful cup of coffee.

The Brew Process

  1. Start by placing a Chemex filter in the brewer and rinsing it with hot water. This removes any papery taste and preheats the brewer.
  2. Discard the rinsing water and add the appropriate amount of coffee grounds to the filter.
  3. Heat your water kettle to 200-205°F (93-96°C) and pour about 50g-75g of water over the coffee grounds to saturate them. This is known as the bloom phase and allows the coffee to release trapped gases.
  4. Let the coffee bloom for 30 seconds, then continue pouring water in a circular motion over the grounds until the desired water volume is reached.
  5. The entire brew process should take around 3 minutes and 30 seconds to 4 minutes.
  6. Finally, discard the filter and serve your freshly brewed coffee.

By following these key steps, you’ll be able to extract the full flavor potential of your coffee beans and enjoy a delicious cup of Chemex-brewed coffee.

Chemex coffee brewer

The Chemex Brewing Guide

When it comes to brewing coffee with a Chemex, the process involves a careful combination of equipment, technique, and attention to detail. This brewing method utilizes the unique properties of the Chemex coffee brewer and its proprietary paper filters to produce a clean and crisp cup of coffee.

The Chemex coffee brewer itself is made from non-porous borosilicate glass, which allows for even heat distribution and maintains the integrity of the coffee flavors. The proprietary paper filters used in the Chemex are chemically bonded and thicker than standard drip-method filters, ensuring that no unwanted flavors or sediments end up in your cup. This combination of materials and design creates an optimal brewing environment for a high-quality coffee experience.

To begin the brewing process, start by rinsing the Chemex filter with boiling water. This step not only preheats the brewer but also removes any residual papery taste from the filter. Once rinsed, place the filter in the brewer, making sure it sits securely.

Next, it’s time to prepare the coffee grounds. Weigh out the appropriate amount of coffee beans, typically following the recommended coffee-to-water ratio of 1:16. For example, if you’re brewing 30 grams of coffee, you’ll need approximately 480 grams of water.

Grind the coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency. This grind size allows for optimal extraction without over-extracting the coffee, resulting in a well-balanced cup.

Pour hot water over the filter to temper the brewer and create a seal between the filter and the glass. This step ensures that the water flows through the coffee grounds evenly, promoting proper extraction.

Add the coffee grounds to the filter, tapping gently to level the bed. Start the brewing process by pouring a small amount of water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion, allowing it to bloom for approximately 30 seconds. This bloom is an essential step as it releases the trapped gases from the coffee grounds and enhances the flavors in the final cup.

Continue pouring water in stages, maintaining a slow and steady pour, until you reach the desired water volume. The entire brewing process should take around 4 minutes, but it’s essential to adjust the pouring speed and water flow to achieve the desired strength and flavor profile.

Once the brewing is complete, give the Chemex a gentle swirl to ensure that the coffee is well mixed. This step helps to distribute any remaining sediment and ensure a consistent flavor throughout the brew.

Finally, pour the freshly brewed coffee into a pre-heated mug and enjoy the rich, clean flavors that the Chemex brewing method has to offer.

Chemex brewing guide

The Clean and Flavorful Cup of Chemex Coffee

The Chemex brewing method is known for producing a remarkably clean and flavorful cup of coffee. With its sleek design and meticulous brewing process, Chemex coffee delivers a taste that is unparalleled in its clarity and complexity.

clean cup of Chemex coffee

The combination of the Chemex coffee maker and its proprietary filters ensures that every sip is free from sediment and bitterness. The filters, made from chemically bonded paper, effectively remove any unwanted particles, resulting in a clean cup of coffee that showcases the true flavors of the beans.

Furthermore, the Chemex coffee maker is crafted from high-quality borosilicate glass. This material not only enhances the visual appeal of the brewing process but also contributes to the overall cleanliness of the brew. Borosilicate glass is resistant to odors, stains, and chemical leaching, ensuring that each cup of coffee is as pure and flavorful as possible.

“The Chemex brewing method allows the natural flavors and characteristics of the coffee to shine through. It’s like experiencing a symphony of flavors in every sip.” – Sarah, Coffee Enthusiast

When following the Chemex brewing guide and using proper techniques, you can consistently achieve a clean, crisp, and flavorful cup of coffee. The carefully measured coffee-to-water ratio and the precise pouring technique preserve the delicate balance of flavors, resulting in a cup that is both aromatic and satisfying.

Benefits of a Clean Cup

The clean cup achieved through the Chemex brewing method has several advantages that coffee enthusiasts appreciate:

  • Purity of flavor: Without any unwanted sediments or oils, the true complexities and nuances of the coffee beans are fully experienced in each sip.
  • Balance and clarity: The Chemex brewing process allows different flavor notes to be distinct and discernible, creating a well-balanced and harmonious cup of coffee.
  • Smooth and pleasant mouthfeel: The absence of sediment and oils results in a silky-smooth texture and a clean finish.

By utilizing the Chemex brewing method, you can elevate your coffee experience to a new level of excellence. The clean and flavorful cup of Chemex coffee is a testament to the artistry and precision involved in this brewing technique.

Flavor ProfileChemex CoffeeTraditional Drip Coffee

The History and Popularity of Chemex Brewing

The Chemex coffee brewing method was invented by Dr. Peter Schlumbohm, a German chemist and inventor, in 1941. Dr. Schlumbohm’s vision was to create a simple yet visually appealing coffee brewer that could produce a great-tasting cup of coffee. With this goal in mind, he designed the iconic Chemex brewer, featuring a narrow-waist glass flask and proprietary filters.

The Chemex brewer quickly gained popularity for its ability to brew a clean and crisp cup of coffee. Its unique design allows for optimal extraction, ensuring a flavorful and aromatic brew with every cup. The proprietary filters, chemically bonded and thicker than traditional drip-method filters, further contribute to the quality of the coffee produced by the Chemex.

Today, the Chemex brewing method has become a symbol of excellence in the coffee world and is considered an essential part of The New Kitchen. It is prominently displayed in museums worldwide, showcasing its innovative design and contribution to the coffee industry. Moreover, the Chemex brewing method has become the preferred choice in high-end cafes, especially those associated with the third-wave coffee movement, where emphasis is placed on quality, craftsmanship, and the art of coffee brewing.


What is the Chemex coffee brewing method known for?

The Chemex coffee brewing method is known for producing a clean and crisp cup of coffee.

Who invented the Chemex coffee brewing method?

The Chemex coffee brewing method was invented by Dr. Peter Schlumbohm in 1941.

What do I need to brew coffee using the Chemex method?

To brew coffee using the Chemex method, you will need a Chemex coffee brewer, Chemex filters, and a few other tools.

What is the proper coffee-to-water ratio for Chemex brewing?

The proper coffee-to-water ratio for Chemex brewing is 1:16. This means you’ll need 40g of coffee for 640g of water.

How do I brew coffee using the Chemex method?

Start by placing a Chemex filter in the brewer and rinsing it with hot water. Discard the water and add the appropriate amount of coffee grounds. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion until the desired water volume is reached. Discard the filter and serve your freshly brewed coffee.

What are Chemex filters made of?

Chemex filters are made of chemically bonded paper, which is thicker than standard drip-method filters and helps to produce a clean and crisp cup of coffee.

How long does the Chemex brewing process take?

The entire Chemex brewing process should take around 3:30 to 4 minutes.

How do I clean and maintain my Chemex coffee brewer?

To clean your Chemex coffee brewer, simply rinse it with warm water and mild dish soap. Make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue. Avoid using abrasive sponges or cleaners that could scratch the glass.

Why is Chemex coffee considered clean and flavorful?

Chemex coffee is considered clean and flavorful due to the combination of the proprietary filters and the brewing process, which eliminates any sediment or bitterness.

What makes the Chemex coffee brewer unique?

The Chemex coffee brewer is made from non-porous, borosilicate glass, and its narrow-waist design contributes to the overall cleanliness and excellence of the brew.

Why is the Chemex brewing method popular in high-end cafes?

The Chemex brewing method is popular in high-end cafes due to its ability to produce a clean and crisp cup of coffee and its status as an iconic and visually appealing brewing device.